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"I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel with my eye upon you." 

- Psalm 32:8

PHILOSOPHY - Holy Redeemer Catholic School

The students of Holy Redeemer Catholic School should have enough self-confidence and durable self-esteem to reach beyond themselves and their own needs to nurture and support others. This strong commitment to others should reflect Christ’s likeness, in accordance with the Church’s teachings and with an openness to accept diversity and to value uniqueness and difference.

As a community we are committed to a strong academic education, which not only ensures well-educated Catholic citizens who are problem-solving individuals, but also produces responsible, accountable citizens who can be readily assimilated into society. It is essential that our students have curious, questioning minds and strong communication skills. Learning critical thinking skills as well as empathy and understanding for the problems they encounter are equally vital to the developmental process.

Because we see ourselves as part of the global community, we want our students to value cultural as well as individual differences. We focus on an appreciation of the arts and on God's beauty all around us as a means to open individual students to the world in which we live. We also offer the opportunity to learn about and become comfortable with modern technology.

The administration, faculty, and parents of Holy Redeemer Catholic School see themselves in partnership. The total education of the child is a united effort, one focused on the well-being of each individual child. The relationship between our larger parish community and the school is one of mutual respect. We are committed to helping each child reach his or her maximum level of academic, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

  • Sixth Grade States in English class
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