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The Home and School Association (HSA) works with the pastor, school administration, and faculty to lead and organize events that promote school community and raise funds for special projects.

Fundraising efforts include, but are not limited to, the Cardinal 5K Race, "Dine Out" nights, Book Fair, school supplies, hot lunch, and the Biennial Sham Rock-n-Roll.

Primary HSA Member Goals and Obligations are the following:

  1. HSA members act as stewards called to support the mission and vision of the school and who articulate the mission in words and actions.
  2. HSA members are expected to attend appropriate monthly meetings.
  3. Committee Chairs communicate event updates with the Executive Board and other committee chairs and coordinate event volunteers. Updates include community outreach efforts, volunteer needs, financial status and needs, and post event support.

The HSA is administered by an Executive Committee which is composed of the Pastor, Principal, Faculty Representative, School Advisory Board President, HSA President, HSA Vice President, HSA Former President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee Chairpersons.

The Home and School Association looks to our wonderful parents each year to help reach our program goals. It is not required to be a member of the HSA to help. Each program, project, and event needs additional parent volunteers. Often there are ways to volunteer from home or work. Each year we are amazed by the amount of time and talent the Holy Redeemer community gives to ensure that Holy Redeemer Catholic School is the best that it can be.

Interested in volunteering with our Holy Redeemer Catholic School community also requires that parent/guardians be Virtus trained through the Archdiocese of Washington. Sign-up to attend a Protecting God's Children workshop through the Archdiocese of Washington. Click on the link to register to be Virtus trained.

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